Sunday, May 29, 2011

RIP Borealis

I thought I should explain to anyone who comes across this as to why I haven't updated this blog in QUITE sometime.
Besides the fact that I moved from home to go to school and no longer had access to Borealis, it is now closed.
Borealis was a coffee/deli/gift shop where I used to write "ponderings" when I was in high school, and some when I went to community college.
Then I moved.
Then downtown construction began and the family was losing business.
They have another location, but it's just not the same.
Hopefully they reopen.
But it's only suiting that since I would only write them there, that the Borealis Ponderings would stop.
Maybe I'll write more in the future as an ode to Borealis, maybe not.
Stay tuned.