Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happiness - Part 4

Everyone, no matter who you are, deserves to be happy.

When there is a moment in your life that you're so happy you crould cry.

Remember it.

Keep it in the back of your mind.

Because when you find yourself wonder why you even try to make things work.

It's that time you were happy that matters.

It makes you realize you can be happy.

Good things do happen to you even when you feel you're at your lowest.

When you're sad, you can remember things can always get better.

They do.

They have before.

They will again.

You will find happiness again.

Just maybe...not right now.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!

    Hello KACIE, I really like your blog, I found you special.

    Nice to visit your blog.

    Maryam, UAE
